In addition we get the point by way of shooting lay ups we can use. Lay-up itself is made up of lay up right (right), lay-up (left), front lay up, retreat and reverse lay up lay up. Its ways as follows:
A. Lay up right
-First we dribble / drible ball toward the basket with the right hand in right field position.Try low-drible for easy control.-Eyes fixed on the basket while the ball dribling.-After entering the three-point line step right foot forward and lift your left thigh while holding the ball with both hands.-Then the left foot step forward and lift your left leg up.-Then remove / drop the ball (reflected) to the line of the box in the upper right-hand ring.-Then landed with one or two feet.
2. Lay up the left
-First we dribble / drible ball toward the basket using his left hand in left field position.Try low-drible for easy control.-Eyes fixed on the basket while the ball dribling.-After entering the three-point line to the next step the left foot and lift right leg while holding the ball with both hands.-Then the right foot step forward and lift your left leg up.-Then remove / put it (bounce) the ball into the line of the box in the upper left-hand ring.-Then landed with one or two feet.
3. Front lay upFront lay-up can be used to lay up just right or left direction drible straight toward the ring and release the ball in front of the ring (into the ring) directly without having reflected from the side.
4. Reverse Lay upReverse lay-up or lay up lay up to the back using the right or left. It's just under the ring and Melawati-his back. Way as follows:-First drible ball down to the ring.-Then lay up like a foot step right or left at a distance of 45 degrees from the ring or ring backs-Then let go of the ball into the ring with a straight hand to the ball towards the back straight.Lay-up then down as usual.
5. Retreat Lay up
Retreat lay up merukan drible just how very well in combination with various lay-up. Here's how:-Drible the ball forward, for example two times using the right hand-Then drible ball back twice (forward body position).-Drible the ball forward again and when approaching the ring immediately lay up.
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